Sunday, May 22, 2011

Welcome to the Young Friends Crier Blog!

Welcome all! 
This is the first post of (hopefully) many of the Crier Blog!  
Please contribute your amazing creativity so it can be better shared with other Young Friends, as well as  the rest of New England Yearly Meeting. We plan on receiving Art work electronically through email or Facebook.  If you have paper art work that you cannot scan, please send it to Nia, so she may scan it and email your art work to the crier.  If your art is music, then by all means, please send it to us! We would LOVE to post it, and will!  All written poetry and stories or photos should be sent to us via email or Facebook in the way that you wish you're writing to be published.  
Any other forms of art that we have failed to mention are welcome to the crier blog!  We look forward to posting your work and sharing it with others! 

The Crier Committee 

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